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A home with kids is must to have old crayons or perhaps you impulsively bought a pack of them that you never actually used. So, give them a chance to become a part of your home once again with these ideas.
Melt The Crayons Into Glass Tumblers with Candle Wicks to Create Candles
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Dye Marbled Easter Eggs by Painting Over Boiled Eggs with Crayons
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Create a Rainbow Melted Crayon Wall Art Using a Hair Dryer
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Use a Tea Light and Broken Crayons to Make This Stunning Melted Crayon Dot Wall Art
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Make a Spring Themed Pumpkin by Melting Crayons Over a White Craft Store Pumpkin
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Create Faux Stained Glass Sun Catchers with Wax Paper and Crayon Shavings
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Recycle The Broken Bits and Turn Them Into Marble Crayons with Fun Shapes That Your Kids Will Adore Coloring With
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Put Broken Crayons Between a Ramekin Bowl and a Soup Bowl That You Will Microwave and Seal with Mod Podge to Create Fun Marble Coasters
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Create Mini Butterfly Art Canvases with Melted Crayons and Butterfly Stickers
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Make Playdough At Home Using Crayons, Vegetable Oil, Flour, Salt, Cream of Tartar, and Water
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