A Table Lamp
Etsy Shop Benclif Designs has amazingly rethinked an old milk can into a table lamp. The milk can is serving as the lamp base and for the lampshade they have used woven sea grass. This lamp is ideal for adding a touch of farmhouse feel to your home.
A House Number Display
Tamara at The Jolly James has given a nice coat of spray paint to an old and ugly milk can and then she has added a vinyl sticker for the house number. To make it even more exciting she has topped the milk can with a planter. Her front porch looks simply gorgeous with this milk can house number display. Two thumbs up Tamara!
A Cute Snowman
Though winter will bid adieu in a short time you can still relive this season of snow by making a snowman. Jane Windham of Cottage at the Crossroads has turned a milk can into a cute snowman. The interesting thing about this snowman is that it is painted red with the head of snowman coming out between the red milk can and the red lid cap. As if the snowman is dressed in a red jacket.
A Painted Milk Can Planter with a Motif
Image via: Exquisitely Unremarkable
A Garden Fountain / Birdbath
Image via: Home Talk
A Vase in The Kitchen
Jennifer at Dear Lillie Blog has shared the pictorial tour of her parent’s kitchen and one interesting element of this kitchen is the old milk can employed as a vase.
A Patio Side Table
Image via: DIY Showoff
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