Lace Doily Bowls
Tanner Bell at A Little Craft in Your Day has shared a wonderful way to create lace bowls using doilies. All you need to do is to take a mixture of fabric stiffener and acrylic paints in a bowl, dip the doily in it and then put it over an inverted bowl. Let the doily rest there for about 24 hours and a beautiful cute little bowl will be ready.
A Table Runner Made from Dyed Doilies
Image via: Sadie Seasongoods
Bohemian Dream Catchers
Image via: My Pinterventures
Framed Doilies Wall Art
Crafty Nest has shared a beauteous wall art idea. All you need to do is to frame some old lace doilies against the backdrop of some colored construction paper.
Doily Decorated Mason Jars
Image via: Crafts by Amanda , The Whoot
Bulletin Board Pockets
The Polka Dot Closet Blog has a bulletin board idea for shabby chic decor lovers. If you need some pockets for your bulletin board then look around for doilies and turn them into pockets.
Doily Hot Air Balloons
Image via: Joann
An Earring Holder
If your earrings usually remain stashed in a box and you usually have to do a search to find the ones you want to wear, then this idea by Etsy Shop Sunkissed Cottage is the one you should go for. It is an earring holder made by attaching vintage doilies to a vintage wooden picture frame.
A Doily Lampshade
Image via: A Beautiful Mess
A Doily Window Valance
Image via: Hupsistarallaa
A Table Cloth Makeover
Victoria of A Subtle Revelry has shared a tutorial of giving a makeover to a plain white tablecloth. Simply sew colored doilies along its edges and the result will be like the one shown above.
A Doily Dress
Doilies are great to refashion clothes too. Like this dress by Etsy Shop My Bonny looks so cool. You can also refashion your jeans or a shirt with doilies.
Doily Cushion Covers Makeover
If you find your cushion covers too boring and simple then follow this idea by Lilly Cottage. Give all your cushion covers a whole new look by stitching or gluing doilies over them.
The post What To Do With Old Doilies? appeared first on WhatToDoWithOld.