Cute Garden Art Flowers
Diane at Suburbia Unwrapped has made clusters of old bottle caps and painted them like flowers and now they make a beautiful accent for her garden .
Colorful and Cute Bugs
Melanie at Made From Pinterest has created these colorful bugs from bottle caps. She has made the wings of the bugs by cutting a transparency paper and then made the patterns with sharpie markers. That’s so ingenious, isn’t it?
A Wind Chime
Image via: Pia Chaib vis flickr
A Bottle Cap Mosaic Table
American Gypsy via Instructables has shared an awesome way to recycle a heap of useless bottle caps into a bottle cap mosaic table. This idea is truly a winner!
Vintage Bottle Cap Tray
Ashlee from My So Called Crafty Life had a collection of vintage bottle caps and she brought them to good use by making a tray with them. This is just superb.
Bottle Cap State Art
Traci at Beneath My Heart made a wonderful state wall art with bottle caps and wood.
A Bottle Cap and Wire Tree
Image via: Sindy’s Crafts n Things Etsy Shop
A Sequins Necklace
Image via: Consumer Crafts
A Vintage Bottle Cap Letter
Bottle Cap Co. has shared a stunning project to recycle vintage bottle caps to decorate a big craft letter.
Bottle Cap Candles
Epic Beeswax via Etsy has a wonderful way to recycle metal bottle caps. You can pour wax in them and use them as floating candles.
A Mirror Frame
Lauri Eaton of I Love to Create decorated a round mirror wonderfully with old bottle caps. This project is a great example of how a simple idea changed a simple mirror into something so special and extraordinary.
Cute Snowmen Ornaments
Crafty Lumberjacks Blog has shared a great way to recycle old bottle caps into snowmen with acrylic paint, glitter, felt, paper and pom poms. They will make perfect Christmas tree ornaments.
Adorable Flower Magnets
Amy at Positively Splendid created these cute bottle cap flower magnets. The special thing about these magnets is that they have photographs inside them. What a lovely idea Amy! Keep it up!
The post What To Do With Old Bottle Caps? appeared first on WhatToDoWithOld.